The Proposal
The revised proposal summarised
Located approximately 2.2 km (4 km to the centre of the site) due south of the village of Gargunnock, Stirling
Comprises 7 turbines: 3 turbines with a blade tip height of up to 149.9m and 4 with a blade tip height of up to 135m. The wind turbines will be accompanied by a battery energy storage system and associated infrastructure such as a temporary meteorological mast, internal access roads and on-site substation. Underground cables will connect it to the grid network
Offers a community benefit fund to be developed and shaped by local people, worth around £5,000 per installed MW
Has completed bird and additional ecological surveys and other technical assessments
Has strengthened the proposed habitat management proposals to enhance biodiversity
Is subject to an application under Section 36 of the Electricity Act (1989) because the installed capacity of the windfarm is likely to be above 50MW; as such, it will be determined by Scottish Ministers. The original proposal was submitted on 23/12/2022 to Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for determination. All documents relating to the planning submission can be viewed on the ECU’s website, project reference ECU00004510. Naturalis will submit Further Environmental Information (FEI) to the ECU to accompany this Section 36 application. At that stage, there will be another formal consultation period before the proposal is determined.